TTB and NAS forge partnership to promote Tanzania Tourism

Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB) and National Aviation Services (NAS) has signed a two years Memorandum of Understanding to partner in promoting Tanzania’s tourism attractions within and outside the country in a colorful event that took place today at Julius Nyerere International Airport Terminal 3 and officiated by the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Dr. Hamisi Kigwangalla.

Speaking during the official launching of the partnership Dr Hamisi Kigwangalla commended the Tanzania Tourist Board for the promotional initiative which he says will play a significant role in efforts to penetrate in the potential tourism source markets in Asia and Middle East.
“I am delighted that you grabbed this rare opportunity to collaborate with NAS and bring them aboard as your partner in your promotional drive within and beyond our borders meant to attract more tourists to Tanzania. This is among the wonderful approach in promoting our country” he said. 

In this joint venture initiative the National Aviation Services will avail to Tanzania Tourist Board its lounges and other platforms such as Cobus in three airports in Tanzania and outside the country where NAS operates to be used for promoting Tanzania as a preferable tourism destination in Africa and in world at large by branding lounges and Cobus, by putting promotional materials and tourism documentaries in TV screens in the lounges.

The tourism promotional partnership has four main objectives which includes promoting Tanzania and her abundant tourism attractions specifically at the lounges and other platforms as would be offered by NAS, and passing over and sharing of Tanzania’s tourism information to the passengers through NAS’s operated lounges before proceeding to their destinations .
Other objectives are exchanging skills and knowledge between the parties to enhance the image of Tanzania and to create awareness on Tanzania’s tourist attractions to local people and foreigners.

On his part, the TTB Chairman Judge Thomas Mihayo pointed out that the Tanzania Tourist Board is enthusiastic to work with such a big International company in aviation industry to carry forward TTB agenda of penetrating into new potential source markets and aggressively promote Tanzania’s tourist attractions worldwide. He further noted that NAS group has a network of 40 lounges which are being operated across the Middle East and Africa as well as in airports of seven teen countries in the same regions.

NAS offers its ‘Pearl lounges’ product in sixteen lounges in nine airports across Morocco and a full portfolio of services at Abu Dhabi International Airport including Meet and Assist, the unique First-class lounge and VIP Terminal.

In Africa NAS operates a network of lounges in various countries like Rwanda, Mozambique, Morocco, Egypt and Cote D’Ivoire.