Ethiopian Airlines Inks Partnership with AccessRail to Provide Intermodal Transportation

Ethiopian Airlines has signed Codeshare and Interline Agreement with AccessRail to
widen connectivity options for its passengers destined to Western Europe, United
Kingdom, Scandinavian, Japan and Canada. The agreement avails AccesRails’ wide rail
destinations to passengers of Ethiopian Airlines through seamless connectivity with all
journey segments contained on a single Ethiopian Airlines ticket.
Regarding the partnership, Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mr. Tewolde GebreMariam
said, “I am glad that we have entered into such a monumental agreement with AccessRail, the
world’s leading provider of air-rail intermodal solutions. Each year, we are growing in terms of
customer service excellence through collaboration with key partners across the globe. As rail
travel is becoming popular, especially when traveling regionally or locally, our collaboration with
the worlds renowned flight and rail connection provider helps our customers access extra
convenience and better connectivity options. In view of expanding our service to markets where
Ethiopian has no direct operations to, our partnership with rail services is a great strategic move
in enhancing our customer service. I hope the success of the partnership between AccesRail and
Ethiopian would be felt throughout our customers.”
Ethiopian Airlines has further developed its air-rail strategy by partnering with the
world’s leading provider of air-rail intermodal solutions, AccesRail (9B). This new
partnership provides Ethiopian Airlines with the ability to expand its network of
destinations and to feed ET flights in both interline and codeshare format. In addition,
this partnership will offer agents as well as consumers’ new options to book Ethiopian
Airlines journeys which include surface sectors via a single process and workflow thus
enabling Ethiopian Airlines to extend its value proposition and offer greater content

Andrew Popescu, Vice President Business Development, AccesRail, said: “We are excited
about our Ethiopian-AccesRail intermodal cooperation which will enable Ethiopian Airlines to
offer an important amount of entirely new destinations all over the world to their passengers.

Ethiopian Airlines have embraced at a global level the concept of network expansion through air-
rail partnership and we are thrilled to help make this strategic vision into a reality.”

Intermodality is becoming a growing part of airline network planning and demand for the service
is also increasing with the inception of high-speed rail services. AccesRail is the world’s leading
provider of air-rail intermodal solutions that specializes in intermodal travel and GDS distribution
for passenger railways.