CTPH selected for the St Andrews Prize for the Environment 2020

Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH) has been selected as the finalist for the St Andrews Prize for the Environment 2020. 

CTPH was announced on 4th February 2020 along with two other finalists Dirty Girls of Lesvos and The SmartFish Group. 

The Prize is an environmental initiative led by the University of St Andrews that recognises global projects which make significant contributions to environmental issues and concerns with a focus on sustainability, conservation, biodiversity and community development.

We are greatly encouraged that our One Health approach to conservation that we have been championing since Conservation Through Public Health was established in 2003, is being recognised as a viable and scalable solution to achieve sustainable development.

Following finalists’ presentations at a seminar, which will take place at the University of St. Andrews on 27th February 2020, the winner will receive funding of $100,000 and the runner(s)-up will receive $25,000. 

This funding will help to expand our integrated gorilla health, community health and alternative livelihoods programs in and around Africa’s protected areas.