TRAVEL: 5 Tips on how Ugandans can tour their country

There are many reasons why Ugandans do not travel. Some say it’s expensive, others say it’s just a luxury they are not ready for; but there are also those that have made travel their lifestyle.

I am one of those Ugandans and here is how I do it.

Below are my top five tips for Ugandans that would love to travel;

Save, Save, Save 

There is a huge reason why l have written the word save three times; this is mostly because if you do not save then you can’t travel or enjoy travel. 

You can decide to buy saving boxes for all the destinations you want to go too for example have a saving box for Murchison Falls National Park, have another for Lake Mburo National Park and Kidepo Valley National Park. 

This will help you use your savings according to the planned destination.

Alternatively, you can find a trust worthy tour company and agree on paying for your trip in monthly installments. For instance, you could start paying for your Christmas trip in July.

Many travel trotters say that they save for months, some even years before they visit a destination.

You could pick a leaf.

Plan and book in advance 

Once you have saved for your travels, make a plan for when you will travel. This can be done by setting the dates when you want to travel or even line up the activities you want to do. Also, don’t forget to note the when and where the activity will be done.

After planning, then book in advance. This will help you get a better deal or discounts on the services you want to get. 

This will also help you to have an organized trip.

Use a tour operator or a local guide 

When you travel to a destination like Murchison Falls National Park, use a tour operator or a local guide to take you for a nice game drive through the park.

The Tour Operators and Local Guides are very knowledgeable people. They will help answer a lot of questions you may have on your safari. They may also avail other options for you to enjoy your travels.

Be willing to wander

There is a saying that experience is the best teacher. When you get to your travel destination, do not stay indoors; go out there and explore the sights and sounds of the animals, insects and birds, and also smell the fresh air from nature. 

Go and try out the local dishes, let the natives tell you the ancestral stories of their forefathers. You will be surprised by these amazing tales.

Do your research

Don’t just wake up in the Morning and travel to a destination. Please endeavor to do your research; ask friends, read reviews.

Today there is a lot of information out there. Almost all destinations have been written about and above all, the Uganda Wildlife Authority has done it’s best to provide you with information on how to travel and the costs as well.

The same goes for the lodges and hotels. They have information on the activities and payments.

Above all, be patriotic and love your Country Uganda, support your country, share your experiences, enjoy and slay away.