Virunga National Park suspends gorilla trekking until 1st June

As a result of the rapidly unfolding situation regarding the global spread of COVID-19, Virunga National Park has today temporarily closed mountain gorilla tourism with effect from Monday 23rd March. In accordance, no new bookings for mountain gorilla treks will be accepted before Monday 1st June.

The Park’s temporary closure of mountain gorilla tourism is being undertaken as a precautionary measure and is in line with the World Health Organization’s recommendation to restrict movement and limit social contact.

For Virunga in particular, it has been taken following advice from scientific experts indicating that primates, including mountain gorillas, are likely susceptible to complications arising from the COVID-19 virus. Virunga National Park remains steadfast in safeguarding our population of this endangered species.

The Virunga tourism team will be in touch with those individuals who have booked a trip during the period indicated above (23rd March-1st June).

The Park will provide updates on this situation as and when they have any further information.