Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, a Safe Haven for Endangered Rhinos in Uganda

Today when one talks about Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, all that pops up in my head is the fact that it is at the moment the safest haven for endangered Rhinos in Uganda.

Uganda was one of the few countries that had a big number of Rhinos but by the year of 1970, the number had greatly reduced due to the civil wars, poaching and hunting in the county, and by 1983 they were announced extinct.

In 2005, Rhino Fund Uganda was birthed and till date, it is located in Nakasongola District, Nakitoma Village along Kampala – Gulu highway.

About the Sanctuary

The Sanctuary remains the only place where you can track Rhinos on foot in Uganda. There are however two other Rhinos at the Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Center.

On 2nd August 2020, Angie Genade the Executive Director of Rhino Fund Uganda, announced the birth of a healthy female calf which is a great conservation success story considering the Rhinos were once extinct.

The sanctuary initially started with Four Rhinos from Kenya and two others United States but at the moment they are 31 plus the two at the UWEC making them 33 in total in Uganda.

When you get to the sanctuary, you are assigned a Ranger who takes you around for an exciting track that may take 2 to 3 hours.

The track will give you a true picture of Rhinos in their natural habitat.

You get to walk with the Rhinos on foot and even watching them up close with the guidance of the Rangers and one also gets to take as many photos as they want.

The sanctuary has 24-hour security as a way to protect the animals. They also have a two-meter electric fence to keep the Rhinos in and intruders out.

Also, the Rhinos have armed anti poacher rangers accompanying them 24 hours.

Ziwa Rhino sanctuary is also home to Antelopes, Crocodiles, Hippos, Monkeys, Oribis, Reed Bucks, Gray Duikers, Leopards, Bush Bucks, Hartbeests, Butterflies, Monitor Lizards and over 350 Birds.

One can also go for a nature walk at the sanctuary or even fishing.

Long Term Plan

The Sanctuary has a long-term plan of reintroducing the Rhinos to the wild at Murchison Falls and Kidepo Valley National Parks.

Facts about Rhinos

Rhinos have a leathery skin and two horns. When you look at them, you may think they are too big to run. However, on running, l must warn you that they are nothing to mess with. They are quick, agile and can run 50kms/hr

White Rhinoceros are grazers mainly feeding on grass and leaves.

Females produce every two and a half years.

A calf does not leave alone until it is about three years old. Females use their horns to protect their young ones and makes use of them to defend themselves from attackers.