African Tourism Investment Summit (ATIS) focuses on stimulating continental tourism economy

The African Tourism Value Chain – and finding innovative ways to participate in and stimulate the continental tourism economy – are the focus of the African Tourism Investment Summit (ATIS) 2020, in partnership with ABG, at World Travel Market Africa in Cape Town on 7 & 8 April.

Led by industry experts, government and investors with in-depth knowledge, ATIS will bring together continental and global players to explore investment opportunities and continental policies that create a conducive environment for tourism development and promote intra-African joint venture partnerships dedicated to accelerating investment in tourism.

Interactive breakaway sessions will facilitate high level discussions with policy makers and investment professionals from around the globe. As Africa unwraps its continent-wide free trade agreement, travel and tourism is poised to expand and offer unprecedented growth opportunities for the continent.

An exclusive Pitch and Deal-Room Platform will facilitate the exploration of intra-African joint venture partnerships dedicated to accelerating investment in major tourism opportunities.

Megan Oberholzer, Portfolio Director: Travel, Tourism & Sports Portfolio for Reed Exhibitions South Africa says ATIS 2020 bring together public and private sector representatives to discuss projects and finance initiatives and explore the untapped potential of Africa’s tourism sector.

“While WTM Africa offers a plethora of opportunities for collaboration and exploring the continental tourism space, ATIS is focused on showcasing investment opportunities that will help stimulate the continent’s economic growth through one of our most valuable assets,” she says.