Africa’s young generation of innovators, champions and leaders will convene in Kigali for the YouthConnekt Africa Summit

The Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Youth and Culture, in collaboration with the YouthConnekt Africa Hub, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and other partners is pleased to announce that the 5th edition of the YouthConnekt Africa Summit under the theme Accelerating Investments in Youth: “Resilient Youth, Resilient Africa”, will be held from 13 – 15 October 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda.

Building on its unique convening power, this edition of the continental annual youth gathering projects to attract over 10,000 participants from Africa and the rest of the World.

Through a range of plenaries, roundtables, youth labs, exhibitions, training sessions, exchange and networking lounges and pop-up events among other things, young people will have multiple occasions to network and directly exchange with governments and business leaders as well as representatives of international organizations, and present their solutions to Africa’s challenges.

Some of the thematics that will be addressed include: youth contribution to climate action and sustainable peace and security; cultural, creative Industry, and sports economy; skilling for the digital economy; agriculture and food systems; trade and youth health.


“We’re thrilled to be coming back to Kigali to host the 5th Edition of this continental and powerful platform for Youth and Leaders across Africa. The wide range of thematics this year positions Africa’s youth as innovators and champions of Climate Resilience, Peace and Security, Africa’s Cultural and Creative Industry, Manufacturing, Trade, and Agriculture and Food Systems. We look forward to drawing on the knowledge and good practices of YouthConnekt Member Chapters and Partners,” Ms. Oulie Keita, Executive Director at YouthConnekt Africa Hub.


Speaking while announcing this year’s summit, Rwanda’s Minister of Youth and Culture, Hon. Rosemary Mbabazi noted:


“The Government of Rwanda recognises the central and transformative role the youth can play in our economic recovery not only as a major contributor to the economic workforce but as a source of innovative solutions as the world becomes more connected. The YouthConnekt Africa Summit provides a platform where youth can meet with their African peers, exchange knowledge, and foster new ways of collaboration. We look forward to YouthConnekt Africa Summit 2022, at a time when the world seeks solutions to recover from the global crisis that has affected us over the past three years.”


