When Prime Minister Narendra Modi imposed a nationwide lockdown on March 25, Indian Railways took the unprecedented move of suspending...
During this period of the coronavirus pandemic, most news outlets are thrusting at us a substantial dose of doom and...
Travellers from Entebbe to the island district of Kalangala are using risky canoes after MV Kalangala suspended its operations at...
Britain’s departure from the European Union is finally upon us, but after all the warnings of chaos for inbound tourists...
Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, pulls crowds of tourists within Africa and from all around the globe during...
Modern Coast Express has received permission to resume normal operations from 1 pm today. The National Transport and Safety Authority...
A fast-growing media start up Travel News East Africa has been announced a finalist of the African Travel and Tourism...
Police in the island district of Kalangala have suspended operations of private vessels plying the Entebbe–Kalangala route to stop the...
MV Kalangala vessel, which plies the Nakiwogo Lutoboka, Buggala Island route, will effective Sunday, February 9, temporarily suspend operations to...
The first stretch of the trip, from Bujumbura to Kigali, was perhaps the most unpleasant one for me. I was...
Majority of the Bus Companies plying up country routes have increased transport fares from Kampala to their various destinations, a...
Some exciting new travel trends are predicted for 2020. Eco-tourism is at the heart of next year’s getaways, and sustainable...