Observing World Rainforest Day 2021

Annually, the 22nd of June is observed as World Rainforest Day, a day set aside to celebrate and create awareness of their preservation. This year, it is celebrated under the theme ‘Protected Together. Now. Forever’

The rainforests are vital for the survival of planet earth. Not only are they home to half of the world’s plant and animal species, but they also absorb carbon dioxide and release the oxygen we rely on for survival. Not forgetting that rainforests also help maintain the world’s water cycle by adding water to the atmosphere.

According to Mongabay.com, although Rainforests cover less than 3% of the earth’s land surface, tropical forests are home to approximately 50% of all living things on earth. Yet, these forests are being cleared at a rate of 8 million hectares per year.

As we aim to preserve and protect plate earth, here are a few things you should know about the Rainforest

  1. The world’s largest rainforest is the Amazon rainforest
  2. The second-largest rainforest is found in Central Africa’s Congo Basin
  3. The third-largest rainforest is the Guinean Forests of West Africa, which run from Sierra Leone to Cameroon
  4. Rainforests help in fighting global warming
  5. Rainforests are being destroyed at a pace of 8 million hectares per year

As much as we- human beings are part of the problem, we are also part of the solutions. Our collective efforts and actions will have a positive impact on rainforests and ultimately, make the planet a safer place for future generations.

Together we can preserve ad safeguard the Rainforests. We NEED them. ‘Protected Together. Now. Forever’