RDB issues a public notice to end poaching, selling and domestic keeping of Grey Crowned Cranes

In a bid to stop the illegal trade of Grey Crowned Cranes and reverse their shocking decline in numbers which could lead to their extinction, Rwanda Development Board (RDB) in collaboration with the Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association have issued a final call to those still poaching, selling and keeping Grey Crowned Cranes to stop by end of December 2019.

RDB has been working with Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association and other stakeholders for the last five years to stop the illegal trade and domestic keeping of Grey Crowned Cranes.

If you still have Grey Crowned Cranes in your garden; this call is to remind you that keeping cranes in captivity is one reason for their decline in numbers. We also want to remind you that it is illegal to keep Grey Crowned Cranes and other wildlife in captivity.

The public notice issued states that not only is it illegal to keep wild animals in captivity, this practice also possesses a public health risk as some wild animals carry diseases that they can transmit to humans.

According to the public notice, anyone who is still involved in poaching or selling cranes will be prosecuted by the existing laws that prohibit such crimes on wildlife. The laws are; Organic law No 04/2005 of 08/04/2005 especially in articles 22, 23, 24 and 94, Organic Law instituting the penal code N° 01/2012/OL of 02/05/2012 article 417 and Ministerial Order No 007/2008 of 15/08/2008 establishing the list of protected animals and plant species.

The work to register and return all captive cranes back to the wild will end this year.